Find the answers to most of the frequently asked questions

Q. What is sootter.com about?

Ans. Sootter.com is an online platform dedicated to the textile business. If you are in any kind of textile business, wether you are a textile manufacturer, dealer or supplier, you can take adavnatge of this platform to offer your product or service to your potential buyers.

Q. How can I post an ad on sootter.com?

Ans. It is very easy and simple to insert your ad on sootter.com. Make your account, login to your account and insert your ad. Ad will be visible on the online after approval from the admin.

Q. What does "Main Categories" and "Sub categories" mean on the sootter.com?

Ans. Textile sector is composed of many subsectors and each subsector is termed as "Main categoy" on sootter.com. Each "Main category" is further devided into "Sub categories" to help identify the correct product and services.

Q. I have experties in one of the textile sectors. How can I benefit from sootter.com

Ans. If you have any textile experties and want to serve as a consultant to help others in this particular skill area, for example you can help someone erect a new factory or can help existing industry solver its process or product related technical issues or can help small and medium enterprises, this is the right place for you. Insert a post mentioning your area of experties in the relevant section and get connected with your potential client. Sootter.com will ensure you get your fee without any botheration or risk of lossing it. Get connected with us for long term working relation

Q. I am a fashion designer, how can I benefit from sootter.com?

Ans. If you are a creative designer and want to earn extra money from your part time work, you are at right platform. Insert your post describing your skills, get connected with potential client. Sootter.com will ensure that you get your agreed fee or commission.

Q. I am a free lancer working for textile sector, how can I benefit from sootter.com?

Ans. As a freelancer, you can offer your experties to textile manufactureres, producers, brands and other stakeholders. This may include your skills of digital marketing, graphic designing, website development just to mention a few.

Q. Inserting a post on sootter.com is free or the user have to pay for it?

Ans. Inserting a post or ad on sootter.com is totally free. You just have to make your account, login to your account and insert the post. However, to promote oyur ad, you can take benfit of some of our paid services. This may include that your ad stays on the top or if you would like to advetise on soottre.com.

Q. I experience a problem while using sootter.com, what should I do?

Ans. In case you experience any problem while using sootter.com or you want to give us feedback to imrove this platform or to add addtional features, please feel free to contact us via fone or email.